our highlights of the pumpkin weeks
in addition to our a la carte menu
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about pumpkins
The pumpkin is one of the oldest plants in the world. Even in the Bible it is mentioned.
They originally come from Central and South America, where they were already cultivated 8000 years ago estimated by the natives of Peru and Mexico. They are even older than beans or corn.
Not too long ago, the pumpkin was considered a vegetable of poor people. Today he is even in the award-winning restaurant on the plate. It tastes, is healthy, and from its seeds, the quality pumpkin seed oil is also obtained.
Pumpkins come in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes: from round, flat, oval, oblong to bottle-shaped; white, cream, light yellow to dark orange, light to dark green, striped or mottled; tennis ball up small feet tall. The color of the flesh can vary from white to yellowish, light green to orange. Season have pumpkins in Austria from September to March (incl. Stock). Stored correctly, it can be eaten until the spring.